Mike and the girls and I took a little camping trip this week. We left Wednesday morning in the rain, :( hoping it would let up by the time we got to the lake. Not so much. We made the best of it and had still had fun! (btw, if you aren't into pictures of my family, and other things I love, now is the time to stop reading ;)
I neglected to get any pictures of the joy of setting up camp in the rain, but trust me when I say it was ALL that you imagine! By the time we had our tent up and air mattresses blown up (yep that's right I don't sleep on the ground), the rain had slowed to a light shower. We decided to explore the town around our campground a little. I love to just hop in the car and go. Sometimes we get lost for a bit, but we always end up back where we need to be. It kinda freaks the kiddos out when I do this, but tha
t is part of the
fun!! Here is
e rest of the trip in pictures! Enjoy!!
And oh, if you own this charming cottage, I want to live there. So, if you are ever in need of a family to you know, house sit, or
something, we're available!!
I wish.... That looked great. Who cares if there are a few bugs. Well they can be super pesky. ;)